Orthopedic Surgeon

Duties and Responsibilities: An orthopedic surgeon works in maintaining and, analyzing, identifying, and fixing any problems that may be found within the muscle and skeletal system. They will often look for any chronic pain and help a patient relief the pain. Secondly they will give advice to their patients on how to prevent any future pain that may come to the ligaments .
Salary: $519,000
Education: A person wanting to be a orthopedic must first graduate from medical school and take various classes oriented towards medicine such as anatomy. Secondly, around 5 years of residency is required before joining the field.
Demand: 14%  by 2024
Image result for orthopedic surgeon

Reflection: I would not want to acquire this career as it does not interest me. In the future i do not wish to be a part of the medical field, in any way. The job description seems tedious and the classes i need to take do not interest me either.


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