The Naturopathic Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: A naturopathic doctor works on healing their patients through the use of nature. Just like any other doctor, they must diagnose a patient first and after doing so they must treat the condition as well as any illness that come with it.
Salary: $74,710
Education: A y year bachelor degree is needed in order to pursue this medical career pathway, and in some states they may require a master's degree as well.The person must have extensive study in some medical fields such as anatomy, histology, philosophy, and nutrition.
Demand: The outlook shows a growth of about 12% in the upcoming years.

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Reflection: I would not be interested in becoming a naturopathic doctor as i do not wish to be a part of the medical field when i am older. Also, the job title, what they study, as well as what they practice, does not seem interesting to me and does not grab my attention. The median salary is low as well, the average salary would be much lower.


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