Duties and Responsibilities: A pathologist will analyze a patient's blood and symptoms in order to find out what type of harm a patient is experiencing. If a patient is unsure of what is wrong with him, it is a pathologist job to critically analyze him to find out. They will perform test or examine tissue, and once they find the root of the cause, treatment is started.
Salary:184,650$ per year
Education: Around 13 years of education is needed to become a pathologist. After high school 4 years of college is required follow by 4 years of medical school. Then four years in a residency and lastly 1 or 2 years in a fellowship.
Demand: High demand due to increasing health coverage, best work is found in low income communities
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Reflection: A pathologist job sounds interesting. The type of work they do and how they analyze problems to come to a conclusion sounds interesting. The pay is also pretty high. Although i like many aspects of this career, i would not want to do it as it involves the human body and having to study subjects such as psychology and anatomy.


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