“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder”
Thomas Carlyle

A man with no goal in life will get nowhere. A boat uses a rudder to guide itself and the people on board. Without a rudder the boat will have no direction and no guidance. Even if it wanted to set out somewhere, it would not be able too. A person without any goals in life will be the same way. Without any goals a person will have no direction in their life. They have no guidance and will not know if they are on the path to success. They will be un aware if their actions are causing them any harm or good. A goal is more than just a goal. It is a path set for us, a path that will guarantee us success. By not having a goal we would not know where to go. We will not know what actions we need to take. Ultimately, we will be lost with our lives. Lost in the world with no real sense as to what we are doing. We will be alive but not living.

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