“ Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all”
-Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was spot on with this quote. If a person has only looks they will get nowhere in life. People may be attracted to them but ultimately they will be repulsed by them due to their rotten personalities. A person may be strong but that does not mean they could have full power. They could physically strong but if they are emotional weak they will get no where either. Also sometimes they may have a lot of power but are greatly dislike by others. Lastly a person may have all the riches in the world but even so they may still be sad. Money cannot buy happiness as the saying goes. A person may have wealth but they could still be lonely inside or miserable. The greatest trait a person could hold is a good heart. People will not view the external side of you but rather the inside and how you are. People will like you for who you are, not because of your money or looks. An example of this quote can be seen through famous figures throughout history. For example Hitler had extreme strength and power yet he did not have a good heart and so he was hated by many.

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