The Neurosurgeon
Duties and Responsibilities: Neurosurgeon are also known as brain surgeons, they examine, diagnose, and treat disorders that are found within the nervous system. They perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord, and other peripheral nerves. They focus on correcting diseases or abnormalities that are found in, or are affecting, the brain. They may also use radiation to help cure tumors.
Salary: Median salary is $559,225, Average is $247,520
Education: Must complete four years of undergraduate school, followed by four years of medical school. After that a person takes six through seven years of neurosurgical residency training.
Demand: 14% projected job growth

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Reflection: I would not want to be a neurosurgeon in the future as i do not seek to be part of the medical field. Out of all the medical jobs, this one seems the most interesting one so far. I do like to study the brain and all its components and how it affects thing. Also the pay is really good. I do not see myself as a doctor or a surgeon in the future, it seems unappealing to me and dull.


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