Vanguard Vikings versus Gainesville Tornadoes

Image result for gainesville tornado basketball

In the very short film it told the story of a basketball team which had zero support base. Now the reason why no one from their school attended and the reason why parents did not attend is because the kids were part of a juvenile detention center. The other prisoners were not able to leave the prison which meant no fans. During one of the Gainesville game they had an unsuspected surprise. When they had their match against Vanguard HIgh, Vanguard felt it was not fair that the other school had no fans or support. So what Vanguard did is that they asked their own fans to come and support the rival school and they did. They even had their own cheerleaders go on and cheer Gainesville. I think it is great what Vanguard did for this school and it is great that they were able to help them. The players left testimonies saying it was an unforgettable memory and I believe it was. It was a great act of kindness.  


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