1. Have the courage to say no
  2. Have the courage to face the truth
  3. Do the right thing because it is right.
W. Clement Stone

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These are the 3 magic keys that Stone has spoken to us about. By following these 3 special advices, we are establishing ourselves to have integrity. What is integrity, integrity is when you live your life choosing to do the right. The first key is telling us to have the courage to say no. This key is very important as by saying no we can limit ourselves to doing bad things. If someone offers us something that we know is wrong, we can use our words and power to express that we are saying no. The second key is to have the courage to face the truth. This key has to do with honesty and how we show it. We should always be honest, even if it may affect us in a negative way. By being honest we are always choosing to do the right, as honesty is the best policy. Lastly the last quote is telling us to always choose the right. This quote is, for the most part, self explanatory. It is telling us to do the right thing simply because it right, you may not like the outcomes of your decision but never the less you should still do it as it is the right thing to do. The last key is the most important as having integrity means doing the right thing, so in order to have integrity, well you have to do the right thing.

The first quote can be used as an example. If you are offered drugs or other illegal substances, you have the power to say no. By choosing to say no you are breaking away from the negative outcome and thus you are showing integrity as you are choosing to do the right thing.  


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