A dermatologist job consist of various task. They need to record and evaluate a person’s health
history before they can proceed with any further procedures. They will perform diagnostic test and give out treatment depending on the type of illness you may have. They work with the skin care of another person. They treat dry, oily, discolored, or damage skin. Some medicine in which they may provide includes lotions, pills, or topical treatments. They also perform skin surgery to help improve the appearance of a person.
Salary: 300k
Education: A dermatologist must attend college and earn a bachelor degree. They will also have to go on and complete medical school. After that an internship of at least 1 year is needed. An lastly an accredited residency program relating to dermatologist must be taken of at least 3 years
Reflection: I would not want to be a dermatologist because the school seems very extensive. Also medical career is not something i am interested in joining in the future. Although the pay is very high, i do not see myself trying to help other people with their skin problems.
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