"A good game is rather to be chosen than great riches"

What this quote means is that we need to keep a good name for ourselves. If we are selves taint our name then it will have a negative impact on our life. You see our name follows us for the rest of our life. Anything we do, weather positive or negative, will always be traced back to our name. So if you do something bad, other people will assume your bad just by hearing your name. Same way if you are a good person, other people will read your name and automatically think of a nice respectful person. colleges and job often do this when considering an applicant, they will look at your file and just be looking at your name and what you have done will, they will decide weather they want you or not. They do not even have to meet up with you in person or see a picture of you. Having riches is great but if you have a bad name then no one will respect you. No one will care at all about your riches all because you choose to do the wrong and taint your name. Also by being great you could leave a legacy behind and your name will live forever.
An example of this can be if a person grew up and was a trouble maker at school. They often got expelled and even went to jail a couple of times. Later on in the future when the person is trying to apply to college or work, they look at her rap sheet and notice everything bad she has ever done. They immediately reject her because of her bad name.
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