Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: An environmental health specialist focuses on researching and making sure the surrounding area in a neighborhood in safe. They will search for any hazards that may be lurking in the area. They may also be known as health inspectors. They make sure that an area of business or any building for that matter has met all the necessary health requirements as well as the minimum safety standards. 
Salary: $37,000- $57,000 
Education: Most positions require at least a bachelors degree. They also need significant course work in biology, public health, and chemistry as well as be certified by the board and the sate in which they working in. Certification is also available through a special board known as the National Environmental Health Organization:
Demand For This Profession: The job outlook is average and it varies on the retirement of other workers and their positions as well. 
Image result for environmental health specialist
Reflection: A health inspector seems like a fun job to do. You get to travel to different places and inspect the place. Education requirements do not seem very high so it seems simple. The only thing I dislike is the low pay of the job and the courses needed in order to perform this job such as biology.


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