On September 11, 2001 American Airlines had 4 airplanes hijacked mid-flight. Two of the planes headed toward New York and hit the World Trade center. The north tower was hit first followed by the south tower some time after. The third plane was heading towards the Pentagon and hit it as well. This caused an explosion and part of the building to collapse as well. Another plane was believe to be heading towards the capitol building but it did not reach it. Instead the passenger on board had knowledge of what was coming and they came together and prevented the terrorist attack to continue. Instead the plane crashed in an empty field in Pennsylvania. All in all around 3000 lives were lost that day, many of them included officers, firefighters, passengers, and other people working in the building.
At the time i was barely 1 year old so i do not recall what exactly happened that day or how it went. My first hearing of 9/11 happened during school lectures. I am still shocked as to what happened that day and in disbelieve that an attack like this can actually go through. I feel sorry for all the families lost that day. The only upside to this is that it brought the nation closer and there is much stricter now, so something like this wont occur in the future.
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