“THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is to be a CTR Person- Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!
Mr. Haymore
The best decision a person can make in life is choosing the right. We as persons always have a choice to do what we want. No one forces us to act a certain way, we make that decision. We may not always have a choice we like, but nevertheless there is always a way. If we do the right, none of our choices will make us feel us bad. We will always feel good about ourselves and others. The positive we have by choosing the right will spread onward to other people. You can't do what's wrong and feel good, it is impossible. Doing good will also help us setup our future. We will be more successful in life and form better relationships and friendships with people. Choosing the right 24/7 will have a multitude of good outcomes for us, nothing bad will ever come to us if we choose the correct path every time. 
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