Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:A yoga therapist is a type of therapist that offers relief through the use of yoga. They often are instructors and will lead a yoga class. They seek to help treat both mental and physical issues a patient may be dealing with. Some therapist will only work with a certain type of patient or will only teach a certain type of yoga.
Salary: $40,000 is the median wage
Education: Online courses are hardly available to become a yoga instructor. A degree in a related field is recommended first, after completing the degree, then a person should become yoga certified. A degree in fitness and education is recommended.
Demand: 13% growth from 2002 till 2022Image result for yoga
Reflection: I will not want to be a yoga instructor. The job itself seems very tiring and tedious to me. Although i would like a hand on job, yoga instruction just is not for me to pursue in the future.


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