Memorial Day Weekend
This memorial day weekend i did not do much. On saturday i went over to my godmother’s house and spent the weekend there. It was 4 hour drive to get there, so it was tiring but overall the trip was fun. I spent some time over there with my cousins playing soccer. While i visited my godmother, she took me to a small town called Solvang. The town was modeled to look like a town from Denmark. Although i was in a new city, i did not meet any people. Most of the time i was there, was spent outdoors, so i did not spend anytime watching movies or watching any sports events. My whole trip was a CTR experience. I did read a part of Macbeth and i also read Always Running while i was over there. Luckily, the only class that left me any homework over the weekend was English. Unluckily for me, it was a lot of English homework. As mention above i read Macbeth and i also completed a packet over the play. I also worked on a gender research paper which was assign to me by my english teacher. When i got back home by cousins from San Diego had visited and so i spent Monday with them until they left. 
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