Brooke is currently an American girl living in Mexico. One differences about her is that she is tall, and she really stands out. Although 6 ft, it is not her height that sets her apart from everyone else. it is her personality and character. According to her friends she is a very positive person. She wears the appropriate size dress and is a sweet girl. Her friends say she is a girl who chooses the right 24//7. She does not drink nor does she smoke either. She is truly inspirational and has traits we should all follow. Brooke does not mind standing up for what is right, she is not afraid of taking a stance. She has also surrounding herself with good friends, and she also helping guide them to the right path.
“Can people trust me to do what is right? Am I committed to doing my very best? Do I treat people the way i want to be treated? If the answers to these questions are YES, there is no way you can fail.” -Lou Holtz Lou gave us a key to success. The first question can people trust me, is very pivotal as trust plays in a big role in how relationships with others are form. Trust is important as without it we will not be forming a bond with others. By having a bond and a strong relationship then, you and the other person can grow whether it be in business or in another aspect. By doing your very best you are guaranteeing the best possible outcome you can deliver. Giving it your all will always give you the best results and the best chance of being a proud and successful individual. The final question is just as important to leading a good life. It is so important that it is even stated in the bible itself. By treating other in a kind way then they will treat you kind as w...
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