
You will go far with CTR Mr. Haymore This is the most memorable and important quote out of all the ones that we have had in the past. By being a CTR person you will go far in life. If you want to be successful in life, the way to do it is by being a CTR. If you want to maintain and create friendships than being a ctr person is the way to do it. Choosing the right will help you grow as an individual and help bring your thought process and skills. You will discover things about yourself that you did not know. If you want to be happy in life than being a CTR person is the way to do it. I will always be a CTR person as it will help guide me through life. If i am lost, choosing to do the right will help me take the right path.
1. Some thing i like about the class was the organization aspect. It was a routine and it became easy to know what you would be doing in a day. I also enjoy how the class promotes to be a CTR person. Lastly I enjoy how the class, for the most part was always at a democracy level and it was calm and quiet. 2. I felt like the class became a bit too repetitive at times. I would have liked to seen new ideas or assignments brought in were we could show our skill we have learned in class. Also, we are a bit restrictive as to what we can do, there not much freedom to speak or to stand up. lastly i would like to see an emphasis on additional computer programs, besides just word and blogger. It would have been nice to learn how to use programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop. 3. Some recommendations would be to introduce new computer programs to the class, so that we learn a broader aspect of programs. Also adding more emphasis on coding and learning additional types of code. Lastly, creati
“THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is to be a CTR Person- Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!! Mr. Haymore The best decision a person can make in life is choosing the right. We as persons always have a choice to do what we want. No one forces us to act a certain way, we make that decision. We may not always have a choice we like, but nevertheless there is always a way. If we do the right, none of our choices will make us feel us bad. We will always feel good about ourselves and others. The positive we have by choosing the right will spread onward to other people. You can't do what's wrong and feel good, it is impossible. Doing good will also help us setup our future. We will be more successful in life and form better relationships and friendships with people. Choosing the right 24/7 will have a multitude of good outcomes for us, nothing bad will ever come to us if we choose the correct path every time.  
Character If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation, if there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world. Chinese Proverb The quote is giving us the solution to world peace. Peace does not require something huge, all it takes is something very small but effective. In order to have peace we must all have good character. Having good character would cause everyone to be good to one another. Everyone will show respect and choose the right all the time. Good habits and good decisions will be made around the world. Starting off with good character, it will trickle down into the rest of society and eventually everything will be peaceful. Things such as hate and jealousy would not exist no more. The world could quickly advance by eliminating hate and promoting good character.. Wars
Yoga Therapist Duties and Responsibilities:A yoga therapist is a type of therapist that offers relief through the use of yoga. They often are instructors and will lead a yoga class. They seek to help treat both mental and physical issues a patient may be dealing with. Some therapist will only work with a certain type of patient or will only teach a certain type of yoga. Salary: $40,000 is the median wage Education: Online courses are hardly available to become a yoga instructor. A degree in a related field is recommended first, after completing the degree, then a person should become yoga certified. A degree in fitness and education is recommended. Demand: 13% growth from 2002 till 2022 Reflection: I will not want to be a yoga instructor. The job itself seems very tiring and tedious to me. Although i would like a hand on job, yoga instruction just is not for me to pursue in the future.
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder” Thomas Carlyle A man with no goal in life will get nowhere. A boat uses a rudder to guide itself and the people on board. Without a rudder the boat will have no direction and no guidance. Even if it wanted to set out somewhere, it would not be able too. A person without any goals in life will be the same way. Without any goals a person will have no direction in their life. They have no guidance and will not know if they are on the path to success. They will be un aware if their actions are causing them any harm or good. A goal is more than just a goal. It is a path set for us, a path that will guarantee us success. By not having a goal we would not know where to go. We will not know what actions we need to take. Ultimately, we will be lost with our lives. Lost in the world with no real sense as to what we are doing. We will be alive but not living.
Memorial Day Weekend This memorial day weekend i did not do much. On saturday i went over to my godmother’s house and spent the weekend there. It was 4 hour drive to get there, so it was tiring but overall the trip was fun. I spent some time over there with my cousins playing soccer. While i visited my godmother, she took me to a small town called Solvang. The town was modeled to look like a town from  Denmark. Although i was in a new city, i did not meet any people. Most of the time i was there, was spent outdoors, so i did not spend anytime watching movies or watching any sports events. My whole trip was a CTR experience. I did read a part of Macbeth and i also read Always Running while i was over there. Luckily, the only class that left me any homework over the weekend was English. Unluckily for me, it was a lot of English homework. As mention above i read Macbeth and i also completed a packet over the play. I also worked on a gender research paper which was assign to me by my