
Showing posts from May, 2017
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder” Thomas Carlyle A man with no goal in life will get nowhere. A boat uses a rudder to guide itself and the people on board. Without a rudder the boat will have no direction and no guidance. Even if it wanted to set out somewhere, it would not be able too. A person without any goals in life will be the same way. Without any goals a person will have no direction in their life. They have no guidance and will not know if they are on the path to success. They will be un aware if their actions are causing them any harm or good. A goal is more than just a goal. It is a path set for us, a path that will guarantee us success. By not having a goal we would not know where to go. We will not know what actions we need to take. Ultimately, we will be lost with our lives. Lost in the world with no real sense as to what we are doing. We will be alive but not living.
Memorial Day Weekend This memorial day weekend i did not do much. On saturday i went over to my godmother’s house and spent the weekend there. It was 4 hour drive to get there, so it was tiring but overall the trip was fun. I spent some time over there with my cousins playing soccer. While i visited my godmother, she took me to a small town called Solvang. The town was modeled to look like a town from  Denmark. Although i was in a new city, i did not meet any people. Most of the time i was there, was spent outdoors, so i did not spend anytime watching movies or watching any sports events. My whole trip was a CTR experience. I did read a part of Macbeth and i also read Always Running while i was over there. Luckily, the only class that left me any homework over the weekend was English. Unluckily for me, it was a lot of English homework. As mention above i read Macbeth and i also completed a packet over the play. I also worked on a gender research paper which was assign to me b...
“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive” Alan Paton Forgiveness is the key to coping with pain. You might be filled with remorse and pain and the only way to truly get rid of all that hatred is by forgiving. Forgiving someone will cause you to feel relief. Forgiving someone is the right thing to do. Not only will you make yourself feel good, but you will laso make the other person feel good as well.You will feel relief, and the other person will feel relief as well. It will feel like taking a load of your back. Your conscience will be free and so will the other person. By choosing to do good and forgive, you will feel good too.  Being full of emotions such as anger and resentment, will only make you feel bad. Nothing good will come out of having your emotions bottle up for a long time, it is better to just forgive.
Memorial Day Monday May 29 Memorial Day, previously known as Decoration Day, was a holiday created after the civil War, to honor american soldiers who died in battle. Memorial Day takes place on the last Monday of May. Many show honor or respect on Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries, reciting prayers, and participating in Memorial Day parades. 5.Another interesting fact about Memorial Day is that is was created as part of the Uniform Monday Holiday act, which created holidays on Mondays, so there would be more long weekends. 6. This Memorial Day, i will make sure I give thanks to those who have served in the military, if i see any of them i will be sure to thank them. 7. I believe memorial day is great holiday. It is a holiday in which everyone should honor. The soldiers went out and put their lives at risk for us. The least we could do is go out and commemorate them. Parades are a great way to show respect while having fun. It is a bittersweet moment when y...
Brooke is currently an American girl living in Mexico. One differences about her is that she is tall, and she really stands out. Although 6 ft, it is not her height that sets her apart from everyone else. it is her personality and character. According to her friends she is a very positive person. She wears the appropriate size dress and is a sweet girl. Her friends say she is a girl who chooses the right 24//7. She does not drink nor does she smoke either. She is truly inspirational and has traits we should all follow. Brooke does not mind standing up for what is right, she is not afraid of taking a stance. She has also surrounding herself with good friends, and she also helping guide them to the right path.
This quote is very inspirational. Once again, Thomas S. Monson delivers an impacting quote to us. We should not be afraid to stand on our own. Doing the right thing may not always be the popular choice, but it is always the correct thing. You could prevent yourself from getting in trouble by standing alone. You prevent other negative influences on your life. Also, you can prevent yourself from forming other bad habits such as smoking and drinking. You can not do wrong and feel right, it is impossible. The same principle applies the other way around, you cannot do right and feel wrong. By now choosing to do the right should come as a natural instinct. You may be isolated by choosing to do the right, but you will feel great doing so.
Electronics I choose the topic because it is a hobby of mine. The process of creating a small circuit is very interesting to me. It seems simple at first but there is certain mathematical laws, such as Ohm’s law, which must be taken into consideration. Diagrams exist to help demonstrate a circuit. There is two type of currents that power a circuit. First there is an alternating current which changes direction back and forth. Secondly, there is a direct current, which only travels in one direction. There is also three important factors that must be taken into consideration before building a circuit. One of those factors is voltage, which is how much power is being supply. Another factor is current, how much electricity is traveling through the circuit, this is usually measured in amps. Lastly, resistance is needed, resistance is how much voltage is dropped throughout the circuit. There are various machine, such as a multimeter which can help you figure out these variables. Other impo...
If I’ve got correct goals, and if is keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed” -Dan Dierdorf This is a great equation for success. Dan Dierdorf is telling us how he claim success and we can too if we follow his guidelines. We first need to set up our goals. We then must continue chasing them. We should keep striving no matter what happens. No obstacle should stand in our way and stop us from accomplishing what we have want to do. Lots of hard work and effort must be put into something as well. If we do everything right and choose the right, everything else will naturally come to us. We are guaranteed to win in life if we always choose the right. Another if and then statement can be made using Dan words. If we choose the right, then we are guaranteed to succeed.
Physical Therapist Duties and Responsibilities: The task of a physical therapist involves a multitude of things. Most of their day consist of helping injured people recover from injury, and helping them regain muscle and body movement. Pain is also treated through physical movement. An initial test, or by asking the patient what their problem is, will help a physical therapist in their diagnosis and will help them set up a recovery plan for their patient. lastly , they help patients prevent any further injuries and teach them about the muscle or body part in which is injured, and how to properly treat it. Salary: $85,400 per year (median income) Education: To begin with a bachelor's degree is required in physical therapy, or a very similar field. Volunteering at a clinic or medical related location is also preferred in most places. 7 months of supervised work is also required and lastly if a person wants to be in a specialized field then a 1-2 year residency program is req...
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing” -Theodore Roosevelt Choosing the right is always the way to go. When faced with a difficult decision, the right way should always be chosen. By choosing the right you are guaranteed to be successful in what you are trying to accomplish. Choosing the right will never leave you in a bad situation. On the contrary choosing what is right will get you out of a bad situation. Also, in any decision, choosing what is right will leave you feeling good. There is no way that you could choose what is right and feel bad after words, it is impossible. It will leave you feeling great as well as those people around you. Also by being, good your reputation will increase as well, people will like you more. When faced with any decision, the right is always the way to go, you should not even have to think about it, it should come natural.
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong” -Wilford Woodruff Doing what is wrong will give you nothing good in return. Everything that comes from doing what is wrong will be negative. Only bad consequences could arise, nothing good. On the other hand if you do something that is good, nothing but good will be gaained from what you did. Many say that you could gain experience from doing what is wrong, but that is false as well. Doing what is wrong will only give you negative experiences, not positive ones. Also by doing bad you will be left feeling bad as well, no good feelings can come from doing bad. You can not do what is wrong and feel good, it is impossible. Being a CTW person will leave you with nothing but bad results, and you will be gaining bad influences as well. It is best to avoid all that is bad completely.
Pathologist Duties and Responsibilities: A pathologist will analyze a patient's blood and symptoms in order to find out what type of harm a patient is experiencing. If a patient is unsure of what is wrong with him, it is a pathologist job to critically analyze him to find out. They will perform test or examine tissue, and once they find the root of the cause, treatment is started. Salary:184,650$ per year Education: Around 13 years of education is needed to become a pathologist. After high school 4 years of college is required follow by 4 years of medical school. Then four years in a residency and lastly 1 or 2 years in a fellowship. Demand: High demand due to increasing health coverage, best work is found in low income communities Reflection: A pathologist job sounds interesting. The type of work they do and how they analyze problems to come to a conclusion sounds interesting. The pay is also pretty high. Although i like many aspects of this career, i would not want...
It’s a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time” Pam Knox This quote is highly inspirational and it is telling us that we should always stand up for what is right. No matter what the consequences may be, choosing to tell the truth is always the best option. Even if it is an accidental mistake, or if you did not intentionally mean to hurt someone, the truth should be said. Either way, no matter what, the truth always comes to light so it is best to admit your mistakes early on. Also, it is important to stand up for what is right, If you notice someone choosing the wrong, or doing something they are not suppose to, it is best to intervene and help guide the person away from negativity. Ultimately staying honest and always choosing the right will set you free.
“I may been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor’. I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls- walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first.”   Maeser discusses his Word of HOnor in this quote. What he means by honor is, holding on to the truth. Abiding to his own rules and being able to stick with them. Word of honor is similar to holding on to a promise. If you say you are going to do something, you have to do it. Saying something has to have a meaning behind it.  A person cannot be superficial and say something they do not mean. It makes them lose honor and trust. Both of which are two great attributes to have. A promise is an important part in a relationship, it shows that a relationship ...