St. Patrick’s Day

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  1. St. Patrick was a british born person. He came from a wealthy family and he was one day kidnapped and help in another location. He felt a revelation and found it his duty to preach the christian word to good folks back at home. He took a 200 mile and began preaching Christianity back at home in Ireland.
  2. The purpose of St. PAtrick is to honor Patrick and what he did in order to spread the religion of God.
  3. St. Patrick days is the day in which Patrick died. In order to remember him the day is celebrated on his death anniversary.
  4. The color green slowly become a symbol of Ireland. At first the original color to represent Ireland was blue. Throughout its history, disputes and rebellions would occur in Ireland, and the leaders would wear the color green. This color became a color of nationalism for the Irish. Once they migrated over to the U.S. during the great potato famine, the Irish brought in the color green to represent themselves. Slowly it become embedded and the color just caught on.  


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