Duties and Responsibilities: Ophthalmologist are a type of eye doctor. They look for and treat diseases or illnesses that are found within the eye or that affect vision. They perform surgeries and procedures to fix these issues and will also prescribe contact lenses or glasses to those who may need them.
Salary: $197,000/year
Education: Ophthalmologist are required to have a medical degree because they are physicians.  4 year bachelor degree is needed, as well as 4 years of medical school and 3-8 years of internships and residency is needed as well. Lastly, a state license is required before officially becoming a ophthalmologist
Demand or Need for this Profession: 14% job increase

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Reflection: I would not want to be a ophthalmologist. The job description seems dull and I am not interested in taking part of the medical field or doing extensive study on the eye and its mechanics. They pay is good and high above average but it just does not appeal to me to be an eye doctor.


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