
Showing posts from March, 2017
“True Independence and freedom can only exist in doing what it right.” Brigham Young Brigham Young lived by a code of conduct in which we should all follow. One of his statements included this wonderful quote. This quote is telling us that true freedom and independence can only come from doing right. Happiness can only come to us if we choose to do what is right. Choosing what is right leads you to have independence and freedom as you will never feel guilt. No negative consequences will come to you and so you have freedom to do what you want. You will have no burdens or other problems, which leads to a stress free life. On the contrary, if you choose to do bad you will have negative consequences come to you. Negative impacts such as jail can come from doing bad, and by being in jail or detention or something similar, you are limiting your freedom. So in order to avoid these bad consequences, it is important to always choose the right, as Brigham Young states .
“They’re only truly great who are truly good” -George Chapman Only those that choose to do good can be truly great. A person may poise great skill but if they have a bad character then they will never be great. In order to be great a person must always choose the right. Choosing the right guarantees a path to greatness. Not only greatness but it will also lead you to a path of success and happiness. A person will develop skills and earn respect by others by choosing to do good. Nothing bad could come from it and a person will have a great sense of pride doing it. By doing good you will feel good as well as those people around you. You will be liked and respected by those around you.
“Many think that the short term pain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports that a cheater. Don’t do it” George Mitchell This quote ties in great with our previous quote of, do not cheat. Cheating is bad and only comes with negative consequences. After cheating you will affect everyone around you not just yourself. It will have a negative impact on those people, on your reputation and on your mental health. After cheating, although you may not get caught at first, you will be filled with guilt and you will not be able to think clearly. Cheating always comes back, the truth always finds a way to reveal itself. That why it is always best to choose to be honest. Cheating, weather it be in a relationship, sports, or a test, it is bad in every form and it causes nothing but trouble to you and everyone else involved. An example of this quote can be seen in sports. If a person is caught using steroi...
Volunteer Opportunities After-School Homework Help: The national council of Jewish women are looking for volunteers to help out the youth with homework. The location is in Los Angeles and the requirements are to enter a background check and be at the age of 18. Star Eco- In this event many come together to help out during earth day and help work with children to plan opportunities. All that is required are some closed toe shoes and be at least of the age of 14. The location is in Los Angeles as well. Game Night Midnight MIssion: In this volunteer opportunity, helpers are asked to just play with children as parents go off into counseling or other issues. It is a fun and simple task and the location is in a shelter in Inglewood.
“I won't cheat” This quote is pivotal in being a ctr person. Cheating is something that is looked down by many. Cheating gets you nowhere, it just makes other people think less of you. Whether it is on homework or a relationship, cheating is bad in all forms and ways. It is a form of a lying, and like lying it leads into a path of being ctw. Instead of cheating, the exact opposite should be done and that is being honest. As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. You can not do right and feel wrong it's impossibles, as Ezra Taft Benson tells us. The same principle applies to cheating , you can not cheat and feel good it is not possible either. Cheating always comes back and gets you at the end of the day. There are various forms of cheating such as on a test or taking drug enhancements, but at the end of the day the person is going to get caught. If they do not get caught, they will be filled with guilt.
“Character Matters Most” Dale Murphy It is important to have a good character. People will be more open to you and like you more. By having a rotten character you will repel others. Also a bad a character will cause others not to like nor to be with you. Having a good character is a positive characteristics. In order to be good you need to always choose the right. Choosing a good path guarantees you will developed a good character and be well liked by others. Trust will also be easier to be build up with other people. You become more dependable and more people gravitate towards you . If you yourself are always positive and optimistic, it will rub off on other people as well. Our actions determine our character. By turning out good positive actions our character will experience growth while putting out negative actions cause an decreases in our character. Certain character traits are important to have and build up as they lay the foundation for us to not only have good character...
St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick was a british born person. He came from a wealthy family and he was one day kidnapped and help in another location. He felt a revelation and found it his duty to preach the christian word to good folks back at home. He took a 200 mile and began preaching Christianity back at home in Ireland. The purpose of St. PAtrick is to honor Patrick and what he did in order to spread the religion of God. St. Patrick days is the day in which Patrick died. In order to remember him the day is celebrated on his death anniversary. The color green slowly become a symbol of Ireland. At first the original color to represent Ireland was blue. Throughout its history, disputes and rebellions would occur in Ireland, and the leaders would wear the color green. This color became a color of nationalism for the Irish. Once they migrated over to the U.S. during the great potato famine, the Irish brought in the color green to represent themselves. Slowly it become embe...
“ Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all” -Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was spot on with this quote. If a person has only looks they will get nowhere in life. People may be attracted to them but ultimately they will be repulsed by them due to their rotten personalities. A person may be strong but that does not mean they could have full power. They could physically strong but if they are emotional weak they will get no where either. Also sometimes they may have a lot of power but are greatly dislike by others. Lastly a person may have all the riches in the world but even so they may still be sad. Money cannot buy happiness as the saying goes. A person may have wealth but they could still be lonely inside or miserable. The greatest trait a person could hold is a good heart. People will not view the external side of you but rather the inside and how you are. People will like you for who you are, not becau...
Medical/Health Volunteer Opportunities Hold a Hand, Make a difference: Location: St. Jacobs Hospice, Northridge, CA. Those who volunteer help out those individuals who are dying are in need of some help. They are compassionate and caring to those who need the help. To apply all that is needed is a resume and a reason as to why you want to help out those in need and why you will be good fit for hospice care. Human Resources Volunteer: Location: Comfort choice Hospice Care. A person looking to volunteer here must have a friendly attitude and be able to communicate well with others. IT will require a lot of filing, this is for people who are interested in Human Resources. The location is at a hospital. To apply a person must submit a resume and a person must undergo training. Walk To End Alzheimer's: This volunteer opportunity is to help raise awareness and task may vary from   team recruitment, team sponsorship, marketing or outreach, all to raise awareness for a m...
“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today” -James Freeman Clarke This quote is telling us that all of our actions have a consequence. If we choose to do a good action then our results will be good. If we choose a bad action our results will be negative. The consequences that come out of the action will have a long lasting effect on us. Even small things can have an impact on us. People may change their view on us if we do something wrong. We really do not know what actions will make a huge impact and which ones will be small. Since we do not know, it is always best to choose the right. That way, if our choice does make a big impact, then we will have a big positive result. Our actions make up our future. If we want a good future we need to create it ourselves, and in order to do that we need to Choose The Right ®.
Ophthalmologist Duties and Responsibilities: Ophthalmologist are a type of eye doctor. They look for and treat diseases or illnesses that are found within the eye or that affect vision. They perform surgeries and procedures to fix these issues and will also prescribe contact lenses or glasses to those who may need them. Salary: $197,000/year Education: Ophthalmologist are required to have a medical degree because they are physicians.  4 year bachelor degree is needed, as well as 4 years of medical school and 3-8 years of internships and residency is needed as well. Lastly, a state license is required before officially becoming a ophthalmologist Demand or Need for this Profession: 14% job increase Reflection: I would not want to be a ophthalmologist. The job description seems dull and I am not interested in taking part of the medical field or doing extensive study on the eye and its mechanics. They pay is good and high above average but it just does not appeal to me t...
“The best way to predict your future is to create it” Charles Ketterer The quote is very inspiring and helpful. It is a guide as to how we can make our future. The only way we can ensure something happens is by creating it. One way of doing this is by setting our goals. We see and visualize our goals everyday. If we practice at accomplishing them, they will come true. Little by little, our dreams and our goals will shape into our reality. We will face obstacle on our way to obtaining our goals but it is normal. If we keep at it, they are bound to come true. It is inevitable. We have the option to choose how our future goes. We can either choose to do the right or we can choose the wrong. Choosing the right will always lead us in the right direction. Being in the right path will ensure us victory after on our path to, not only getting out our dreams, but also on our path to becoming a CTR person.
Operating Room Technician Duties and Responsibilities: Operating room technicians are responsible for various task that occur before, during, and after a surgery.Surgeons and nurses are often the ones that supervise the work they have. Most operating room technician tend to work at hospitals Often times they hand over materials during surgery, prepare the room or will clean up afterwards. Salary: $45,940 Education: Graduation from an accredited program is needed, they can be found in various places and institutions. The programs typically last about 9-12 months. After graduation the person becomes accredited. Demand:15% job growth Reflection: I would not want to be a operating room technician. The description as to what they do seems dull to me and also i do not wish to be a part of the medical field when i am older. The pay also seems low and there just is not many pros to having this job.
“Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly” Otto Graham, Jr. This quote deeply resembles our CTR class motto. It is a key aspect and the main component to being a CTR person. Everyday we are faced with a multitude of choices. Some of these choices are good and others bad. The point of the matter is we always have a choice to do what we want. We can either go left or we could right. Before making any choice, this is where this quote plays a role. We must first ask ourselves is it right or is it wrong. If the answer is that it is right, then we should go ahead and do it. If the answer is that it is wrong, then we should not go ahead with our action as it may hurt others or ourselves. By following this quote, we can guarantee that we will always choose the right path. It should not be difficult to make a decision between right and wrong. We ourselves always know what is right and what is wrong and we have the power to choose what path we take. An example of this quote w...
“Act Well your part; there all honor lies.” Alexander Pope What alexander pope is saying is that we should be good. Acting well, will have thing come to us in a honorable way. Acting well is a key to success. There is no honor in being a bad person. You can not do wrong and fell right. It is impossible to do so, as one of our other quote mentions. When you do good you will be rewarded with good rewards. Honor also comes with integrity and respect. So if you do good you will also have honor and respect in your name. It is our duty to influence those around us into doing good. The way we influence others is by doing good ourselves. An example of having no honor is seen by the jackie Robinson Little League Team, from Chicago Illinois. They went on to become U.S champions and ranked 2nd in the world, but they did it by cheating. There was no honor in that and as a result they were stripped from their title and no receive no respect from anyone.
Nursing Home Administrator Duties and Responsibilities: A nursing home administrator has a deep understanding of the elderly and they are able to assess what an individual might need. For example they may need assistance with clothing or with bathing and maybe even eating. A person might need previous clinical experience in order to be well suited for the job. They ensure quality care Salary: $78,540 - $102,060 Education: To become a nursing home administrator, a bachelor degree in health care is needed and a masters degree in long term care administration, health service administration, public health, or business administration is usually preferred. After doing so, a degree must be obtained by completing a test, which will grant them a state license. Demand: 22% job Growth Reflection: I would not want to be a healthcare administrator. The job does not seem very interesting, also it seems very dull. I would not want to watch people die. The pay also seems low. The only th...
If you do what’s right, if you live the right way, you’ll be taken care of Rachel Castillo By doing the right this everyday, good fortune is bound to come your way. It is important to always be good so that you may have good results as well. It is a promise that is giving to us. There may be challenges along the way but they will be easy to conquer. The obstacles will be easy if we choose the right path. Being a CTR person promises being taken care of in the future. When we are in times of trouble, doing the right will get us out of it. The only times we are facing a tough decision is when you choose the wrong or another person chooses to be CTW. Being a CTR person is the greatest thing you can do for yourself. You can not do good wrong and feel bad it is impossible. It is best to live our best, do our best, and are results would be the best they can be. An example can be seen with Rachel. She found 36 thousand dollars and choose to be ctr and return it, as a result she believ...
The Neurosurgeon Duties and Responsibilities: Neurosurgeon are also known as brain surgeons, they examine, diagnose, and treat disorders that are found within the nervous system. They perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord, and other peripheral nerves. They focus on correcting diseases or abnormalities that are found in, or are affecting, the brain. They may also use radiation to help cure tumors. Salary: Median salary is $559,225, Average is $247,520 Education: Must complete four years of undergraduate school, followed by four years of medical school. After that a person takes six through seven years of neurosurgical residency training. Demand: 14% projected job growth Reflection: I would not want to be a neurosurgeon in the future as i do not seek to be part of the medical field. Out of all the medical jobs, this one seems the most interesting one so far. I do like to study the brain and all its components and how it affects thing. Also the pay is really good. I do no...