Presidents Day

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Presidents day is a day that is mainly use to celebrate all of our past presidents. Originally, the day was created to celebrate George Washington's birthday, which was on February 22. The holiday was then known as presidents day after the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1971 was passed, in order to create more three day weekends for workers. Now Presidents day occurs on the third monday of every Febraury, other holidays such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day where switch from their traditional date. To celebrate presidents day, most americans go out and show their patriotism, there are parades that occur to celebrate the achievements of some of our past presidents. Also, reenactments of famous historical events could take place on this day, and many do this as a way to show honor and respect for all that our presidents have done for us in the past. Although it is a federal holiday, it known as Washington's Birthday in some states while other states recognize it as, or refer to it as, Presidents Day. Also on Presidents day, it is a common tradition for the senate to read Washington's farewell address.


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