Aerospace Experimental Psychology

Duties and Responsibilities: A aerospace experimental psychologist works for the Navy. What they do is that they prepare pilots for the harsh conditions they will be undergoing. They mentally and physically prepare these individuals by creating programs and stimulation. They will also help pilots deal with emotional effects that may come under the extensive stress.
Salary: $3912-$7623 / Month
Education:A person must have a Phd in Psychology, Neuroscience or Industrial Engineering or a interdisciplinary program that emphasizes in human factors. A person applying for this position may also have a masters in one of the occupations above and must have 4 years in commission as well.
Demand: Not Available

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Reflection: I would not want to be an aerospace experimental psychologist. The career path itself seems interesting and the idea of working with human engineering is great. But the pay seems low, also i do not wish to study psychology in the future. There are also many requirements that need to be meet including perfect 20/20 vision, which i do not have.


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