Right is Right only when entire Victor Hugo The truth is only the truth if the everything is said. By leaving something out of the truth it becomes a lie. If you did something that you are proud of, then there is no reason why you should be lying. By saying the truth it leaves you into a good path. That path will always lead you into being a good person. Telling the whole truth, as well as by being a ctr person, it will lead you into happiness. It is the foundation needed to be successful. Honesty is the best policy, as the famous saying goes. Telling the truth would never lead to harm. Instead people will like you more and respect you more for always being an honest individual. BY choosing to tell a lie you are choosing to be a ctw person. Also telling lies will lead to the feelings of other individuals to get hurt. You may think you are protecting their feelings, but in the long run they will ultimately be hurt. Even if it is a white lie, it should not be told.
Showing posts from February, 2017
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The Naturopathic Doctor Duties and Responsibilities: A naturopathic doctor works on healing their patients through the use of nature. Just like any other doctor, they must diagnose a patient first and after doing so they must treat the condition as well as any illness that come with it. Salary: $74,710 Education: A y year bachelor degree is needed in order to pursue this medical career pathway, and in some states they may require a master's degree as well.The person must have extensive study in some medical fields such as anatomy, histology, philosophy, and nutrition. Demand: The outlook shows a growth of about 12% in the upcoming years. Reflection: I would not be interested in becoming a naturopathic doctor as i do not wish to be a part of the medical field when i am older. Also, the job title, what they study, as well as what they practice, does not seem interesting to me and does not grab my attention. The median salary is low as well, the average salary would be...
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Aerospace Experimental Psychology Duties and Responsibilities: A aerospace experimental psychologist works for the Navy. What they do is that they prepare pilots for the harsh conditions they will be undergoing. They mentally and physically prepare these individuals by creating programs and stimulation. They will also help pilots deal with emotional effects that may come under the extensive stress. Salary: $3912-$7623 / Month Education:A person must have a Phd in Psychology, Neuroscience or Industrial Engineering or a interdisciplinary program that emphasizes in human factors. A person applying for this position may also have a masters in one of the occupations above and must have 4 years in commission as well. Demand: Not Available Reflection: I would not want to be an aerospace experimental psychologist. The career path itself seems interesting and the idea of working with human engineering is great. But the pay seems low, also i do not wish to study psychology in the...
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“ Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company” George Washington is telling us that we should be around people of good quality. If the person is good, they will rub off on us and we will good as well. Being with a good individual also gets a lot more accomplished than being with someone bad. Also, surrounding yourself with good people will make others think you are good as well, elevating your reputation. The same goes if you associate yourself with bad individuals, you will begin to get a bad reputation amongst those that do not know you. Associating yourself with someone can be anything from the friends you choose, to the people you form a relationship with. By being with good people, you will feel much more motivated. You will not be put down by others and your good actions would be encouraged. Since everyone around is good, your self esteem will rise and you will feel better and better about yo...
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Mental Health Counselor Duties and Responsibilities: Mental health counselors help both individuals and couples with any issues that may be affecting their mental health. They often encourage their patients to discuss their emotions and problems and they often ask them to evaluate themselves, to try and identify any problems that they may have or if they are experiencing mental illnesses such as depression. After some time, the mental health counselor will refer their clients to a therapist. Salary: $41,880 Education: A person must first complete and undergraduates degree in a social work areas such as psychology, counseling, and sociology. After that an individual should pursue a Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling and have an undergraduate in another field. Lastly, a person is required to take about 2000-4000 hours of clinical experience under supervision. Demand or Need for this Profession: 19% job growth Reflection: I would not want to be a mental health...
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Presidents Day Presidents day is a day that is mainly use to celebrate all of our past presidents. Originally, the day was created to celebrate George Washington's birthday, which was on February 22. The holiday was then known as presidents day after the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1971 was passed, in order to create more three day weekends for workers. Now Presidents day occurs on the third monday of every Febraury, other holidays such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day where switch from their traditional date. To celebrate presidents day, most americans go out and show their patriotism, there are parades that occur to celebrate the achievements of some of our past presidents. Also, reenactments of famous historical events could take place on this day, and many do this as a way to show honor and respect for all that our presidents have done for us in the past. Although it is a federal holiday, it known as Washington's Birthday in some states while other states recognize...
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“Only those live who do good” Count Leo Tolstoy Countis telling us that those who do good will live a good life. Although the quote is misworded a bit wrong, it is still very factual and inspiring. He is telling us to enjoy our life and everything about it. The only way to truly enjoy our life is by doing good. The reason for this being ios that by doing good, we are worry free and we feel good about everything. By doing good we will feel good, which in return will make our life good. It also works the other way around, by doing bad we will feel bad. If we misbehave and choose the wrong over the right, we will be filled with guilt and despair, leaving us to having an unhappy life. It is always best to make the best out of our life since we only live once. We will not get another chance at life, so we should live it good and to do that we need to act good. An example of this quote can be seen with a criminal. They choose to do the wrong and now when the live there life they will...
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“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else. And i can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that I would change it.” This quote by Ben Carson is magnificent. The quote is telling us that if we work hard enough we can always pull through. Similar to the American Dream, where if your work hard you will prosper. Ben Carson actually lived his quote and made it out. Poverty is only temporary and it will go away through hard work and pursuing your goals. Another point that the quote is making is that we always have a choice. No matter how dire the situation we are may be, or how cornered we are, we always have a choice to choose our path. The decisions we make now will determine our destiny in our future. An example of this quote can be seen in real life across various american cities. Most cities that are poverty ridden or that has negative influence on its residence, such as Detroit, Michigan, Carson's hometown, or ot...
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Soil Toxicity I choose the topic because it is something i am knowledgeable and because the information is still fresh in my mind. The soil around our community has been infected by various toxins, one of these mainly being lead. Lead is naturally found within our soil along with other metals such as Zinc and Arsenic. Lead is measured in a unit known as parts per million. Parts per million, or ppm for short, is a conversion for milligram per cubic meter. The normal range for lead is currently at about 15-40 parts per million according to the EPA. After a experiment was performed we realized that the homes within our community have around 115 parts per million of soil, which is above the american average. According to the EPA, once lead reaches 400 ppm then it becomes a danger to us and once it reaches 1200 ppm then the area needs to be closed off as it become a serious health hazard. Although the results were not that high, it was still alarming. Lead has a negative i...
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"Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG IS NEVER RIGHT." Russell M. Nelson Wrong will always be wrong no matter what the circumstances. Even if everyone is doing something, it can still be a bad thing. It is always best to choose to do good then to choose to do bad. It is very important to always choose the good path because it will never lead you down. Always doing right is a guaranteed way to reach success in your life. Choosing the right removes any negative influences or thoughts that may have other wise lead you down a bad path. By being around those who always choose wrong, even if it is everyone, you will only be putting yourself down as well. By doing good you are left with positive characteristic values such as honesty, integrity, and respect. People will view as these thing and thus form better relationships with you and you will be more trustworthy. Going back to a previous quote that we had a while back, you can not do good and feel bad, it is not possible...
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Italy A place i choose to visit is Italy, particularly Venice, Milan, and Florence. The reason why i choose this place is due to the fact that is has a rich history and full of landmarks to visit. Florence, for example, had been ruled by the Medici Family, and I have always been interested in them and their vast power. Also i would have like to visit the city of Venice to see the canals and be able to ride a gondola. The city of Milan also seems to attract many people and it's a great tourist attraction. For example, it is considered the fashion capital of the world and so many rich and powerful people visit there.There are other attractions to visit such as the coliseum, which i a wonder of the ancient world. I am inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci and by the works of Galileo. Leonardo was an amazing engineer and i would to see the area in which he grew up in. Galileo perform one of his experiments at the leaning tower of Pisa, and it is also an attraction in which i would like to ...