“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” -William Penn A similar quote to this one has previously been given. Basically it is telling us that if we choose the right, it is always going to be right no matter what. Choosing the right will have positive outcomes for us and those around us. On the other hand if we choose the wrong negative outcomes will occur for us. Choosing to do the right thing should always be a number one choice, no matter what the circumstances around you are. If no one is choosing to do the right, you should set an example and lead the way by doing something good. This could be sticking up for someone who is in trouble. If everyone is doing something bad it does not mean you should jump in and join them as well. Wrong is wrong no matter what is going on around you or the people who surround you. The people around you should not be an influence (unless good) or should they be deciding your decisi...
Showing posts from October, 2016
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"Do not sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often" Peter Vidmar Peter Vidmar, the Olympic champion is telling us some very insightful words. Peter is telling us to never lose track of our main goal in life. Whatever we want most in life we should chase it and go after it. Sure there may be other obstacles along the way but we have to stay determine. Sometimes things will come up where we do not want to continue our goal or we will shrug it off and put off till later. Peter is telling us to be careful of moments like these because they will keep us off track in completing our true desire. Peter is also telling us to write down our goal and envision what we want. We cant be vague, we have to have a clear understanding of what we really want most in life. By writing it down we will constantly be reminded of what our goal in life is. The more and more we see our goal the closer we get to achieving it and this is w...
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School Homecoming A school homecoming is an event that partakes in school that involves speeches, parades, music, dances, and a football game in order to unite students with one another and have an increase the students pride in the school. Schools often host homecoming games as it is the final game of a football team and it is when they come "home", this is where the name is derived from. School spirit highly rises during homecoming. There has been multiple examples in which parades and floats are design by colleges to promote homecoming and usually the whole town participate and there is thousands of students there as well. Proper etiquette for homecoming involves wearing a suit and tie and for girls wearing a cocktail dress. Schools may specify the dress code but if not, the proper attire is usually semi-formal. It is okay to spend time with friends but time should also be spent with your date as it is proper etiquette. I think homecoming is great and a fun way to get...
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"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life" Coach Mike Krzyzewski This quote is similar to the one given last week. Having a good name can be given to you To have a good name for yourself you must be have good manners and behave well. A good name can also be achieve by going to a good places such as churches. Also it is better to avoid negative places that may other wise cause your name to be tainted such parties. Also avoid any negative influences or activities such as drugs as those can have a harmful effect as well. A name is always presented first so it must be good. People will judge you by your name alone before they even meet you, which is why it must always be kept positive, Choosing the right will lead to your name being good while choosing the wrong will lead your name to be bad. Examples of aq good and bad name can be see all the time, even within ourselves. If we are known as a person who likes to party and go out, when you go to ...
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Job Opportunities Junior Web Developers Program - Milan Italy A startup is looking for junior web developers that know basic coding language such as Html and Java. The salary ranges from 20 to 30 thousand a year. Professional Internship- China The following internship allows for exploration into technology. By being a part of the program it may lead to a job in some of China's leading tech companies. You will be working for China's PIC program. Business Developer and Education Consultant- Columbia A company known as ISC is looking for people to join, that already have experience in business marketing and sales. They are also looking for people who are innovated in business and are also good in mathematics. USIT Work and Travel- Ireland In Ireland there is a job opportunity and internship available for all students who have recently graduated from a United States university. You explore different job opportunities and get the chance to work at an Irish industry ...
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"A good game is rather to be chosen than great riches" What this quote means is that we need to keep a good name for ourselves. If we are selves taint our name then it will have a negative impact on our life. You see our name follows us for the rest of our life. Anything we do, weather positive or negative, will always be traced back to our name. So if you do something bad, other people will assume your bad just by hearing your name. Same way if you are a good person, other people will read your name and automatically think of a nice respectful person. colleges and job often do this when considering an applicant, they will look at your file and just be looking at your name and what you have done will, they will decide weather they want you or not. They do not even have to meet up with you in person or see a picture of you. Having riches is great but if you have a bad name then no one will respect you. No one will care at all about your riches all because you choose to do...
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Health Educator Duties and Responsibilities: A health educators main responsibility is to educate either their own [patients or the public about health. They may work in various locations such as schools, universities, hospitals or just about anywhere where knowledge of health is needed.They will also plan and coordinate health related programs into communities, hospitals or schools. Salary: $61,000 - $49,000 Education: Most places only require a bachelor degree in order to be a health specialist but in some organizations they do require you to be a Certified Health Specialist. Lastly an internship is needed as well as an under-gradute in a medical field of study. If someone wishes to work for the federal or state government, then a Masters degree is required. Demand: According to BLS, the need for health educators is expected to grow around 19% Reflection: I would not want to be a health educator because the job seems dull to me and i have no interest going into the m...
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"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right , even you stand alone . Have the moral courage to be a light followers for others" -Thomas S Monson The quote is telling us to stand for whats right. Even if everyone else is against you and you may be standing alone, it is always best to stand up for what is right. You cant do right and feel wrong, it is impossible. You have to build up the courage and choose right from wrong. By doing this you will also make a statement and show an example to all the other people that choose wrong. By seeing you up there doing good, they may want to convert into doing good just like you. Just because everyone is for something does not mean it something good. Also, just because everyone is against something does not mean it is bad. You know right from wrong so it our duty to always choose the right. Showing your true correct morals will positively influence those people ...
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Computer Engineer Duties and Responsibilities: A computer engineer is also known as a software engineer. They develop, test, and evaluate computer software. They may help in the development of new computer games and business applications, and may also design an entirely new operating systems. A computer engineer also helps with the construction and management of an organization's computer system and they will also supply technical support. A computer engineer typically works in an office or laboratory environment as part of a team. Salary; $65,000 - $167,000 Education: A minimum of a bachelor degree is needed to become a software engineer. Graduates should great computer programming skills as well as be able to know various coding languages. Demand: Job growth is high at a 17% outlook Reflection: I would want to be a computer engineer. It seems like something fun and interesting to do. I have always been interested in developing either my own games. apps. or software, ...
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"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." Naomi Trigueros A person who chooses the right will always be a champion. Being a champion does not always mean winning a trophy. You yourself can feel like a champion by losing, how? by choosing to do the right. You will feel good about yourself and what you did, feeling great about your actions will leave you feeling like a champion. Choosing the right will make a great person out of yourself and the people around you. If you do win a championship but you did it in a bad way then you will not feel good. You may be a champion but you will no feel a champion. This happens because when you choose the wrong you are left feeling with guilt and anxiety about how you got your championship. You will never be able to truly appreciate yourself because you choose to do the wrong. An example can be when a athlete wins a championship. People will admire him and think he is a great person but the moment it is dis...
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Environmental Health Specialist Duties and Responsibilities: An e nvironmental health specialist focuses on researching and making sure the surrounding area in a neighborhood in safe. They will search for any hazards that may be lurking in the area. They may also be known as health inspectors. They make sure that an area of business or any building for that matter has met all the necessary health requirements as well as the minimum safety standards. Salary: $37,000- $57,000 Education: Most positions require at least a bachelors degree. They also need significant course work in biology, public health, and chemistry as well as be certified by the board and the sate in which they working in. Certification is also available through a special board known as the National Environmental Health Organization: Demand For This Profession: The job outlook is average and it varies on the retirement of other workers and their positions as well. Reflection: A health inspe...
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"Goal Setting is Goal getting, Set and Get" Mark Victor Hansen This quote has very powerful meaning behind it. It is giving a guidance as to how we should treat our life. If we are not setting goals for ourselves then there is no way we will accomplish them as we have no guide path. In order to accomplish something we must set a goal for our desire outcome. Anything we desire can be accomplish, we can get success and happiness, and in order to get this a goal must be set. Goal setting is very important aspect of our life as we need it to achieve something. The more specific we are in the goal the more closer our desire results will be. On the other hand if your gals or very vague and unclear then the results will not be close at all to what you really want. once you set a goal all that is needed is to get it. An example would be if a person is trying to lose weight. Sure they may desire the weight loss but if they never actually set the goal and begin working out an...
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Columbus Day Columbus day is celebrated on October 10. We celebrate this holiday because he was the "first"person to "discover" the Americas, or New World as it was known as at that time. Christopher Columbus actually discovered the Americas on accident. His original plan was to sail west in order to find a faster shipment route to the eastern part of India. Columbus was able to sail to America using celestial navigation, he and his crew sailed in three ships, the most notable one being the Santa Maria. He was a Spanish explorer and as he sail west he landed in America in the year 1492. When he landed he believed it was India and called the native Americans Indians, this why in today time we sometimes refer Native Americans as Indians. Although it is believed Christopher is the first person to discover America, it has been proven wrong. Leif Erickson, a viking explorer, was actually the first person to visit the Americas. Ironically we celebrate his holiday th...
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"When obedience become our goal, it is no longer an irritation, instead of stumbling block, it becomes a building block" -James E. Faust Although this quote is lengthy, it has a a lot of meaning behind it. It is basically saying that obedience should be our main goal in life if we want success. Being obedient grants us more trust and helps us build relationships with other. Always following the right path and choosing to be obedient will also leave us with more opportunities. Not being obedient will leave us to stumble and fall. On the other hand if we choose to be obedient it becomes a building block for us. After a while being obedient no longer becomes a hassle. It is no longer view as some type of chore you have to follow. Why? because by constantly practicing obedience it will eventually become a natural instinct of you. Once it is embedded inside you, only the will you have the building steps to being successful in life. Examples of this quote are experienc...
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Neurosurgeon Duties and Responsibilities: A neurosurgeon specializes in diagnosing, preventing, and treating any disorders involving both the peripheral and central nervous system of a person. The diseases in which they treat can range anywhere from brain disorders, trauma, spine injuries, and strokes. Salary:$ 339,000 Education: 4 years of medical school as well as another 4 years of actual medical school is required. A one year internship and lastly 5-7 years in a residency program involving neurosurgeons. Demand: The job outlook is very good being around 22% Reflection: I would not want to be a neurosurgeon due to the extensive schooling, also it is not much in my interest to take part in the medical field. I choose to research this job occupations because I’m very interested in to what they do and how the brain, spine, and nervous system work with another to carry out functions.
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Emergency Medical Technician Duties and Responsibilities: An EMT is the first response in analyzing a patient and the condition they are in. They also determine the necessary actions that are needed in order to help the patient. They are the ones who report out to accidents, usually in ambulances, and try to prevent any further damage while on the scene. They will also offer support on the way back to the hospital. Salary: 31,000$ Education: There are three type of training programs available for EMT’s, There is a basic, intermediate, and paramedic. The programs are required and will lead to a certificate or associate’s degree in paramedics. Demand: There is a projected 24% job growth. Reflection: I would like to be a paramedic for fun. It seems like an interesting and fast pace jobs that keeps you on your toes. Also it would be fun to be able to cut through traffic. The job pay seems very low though so that would be the only concern i have. IT may also seem stressful....