When you tell one lie it leads to another
Paul Hatch

Part of being a CTR person is to always be honest. At first a single lie may not seem like much but the consequences are quite serious. Lying is a bad habit and bad habits equal bad results. One lie will eventually lead to two and then three and it keeps going on and going. The reason for this is that one lie has to be covered up and so a new lie is created so then that lie has to cover up the previous and so on. Eventually all the lies will become tangles up and you will forget which one is which. Also it is possible to mix the truth from lies and you start to forget what is real and what is not. Other consequences may arrive depending on how big the lie is, you may become sleep deprive or you will not be able to think straight. Also the truth always come to light so eventually people will discover you are lying. When the truth does come forward, people will be mad at you and will no longer have in faith or trust in you like they may had had at one point. An example of this quote can be seen with a criminal on the run. They will often have to tell lie after lie to cover up the truth and they will constantly have to be looking over their shoulder and eventually they will be properly apprehended by the law.
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